(the Company)
Company number: 727348
Notice is hereby given that the Extraordinary General Meeting of AVIA SOLUTIONS GROUP (ASG) PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY (the Company) will be held at Building 9, Vantage West, Central Park, Dublin, D18 FT0C, Ireland, on 22 April 2024 at 2 p.m. Irish Standard Time (IST) (the EGM) for the following purposes:
To consider and, if thought fit, to pass the following resolutions as ordinary resolutions:
To consider and, if thought fit, to pass the following resolution as a special resolution:
NOTE 1: in accordance with Regulation 103 of the Articles, a member entitled to attend and vote at the EGM is entitled to appoint a proxy to attend and vote instead of him/her, and such proxy need not to be a member of the Company. The instrument appointing a proxy or any other documents shall be posted to the registered office of the Company, being Building 9, Vantage West, Central Park, Dublin, D18 FT0C Ireland, or may be sent via email to [email protected], before the time of the holding of the above meeting. The Company shall accept the scanned copy of the aforementioned proxies and any other documents sent by e-mail from an e-mail address verified by the Company as being the email address of the member.
NOTE 2: the Board has resolved, that participation in the EGM is also possible via conference call. Please contact at [email protected] for connection details not later than 3 (three) working days before the start of the EGM in order to participate.
NOTE 3: the record date for determining the right to attend and vote at the EGM is 15 April 2024.