Areas of expertise

Aviation Media and Event Management

Over 2 000 000 readers visit AeroTime’s online platform for aviation news each month. Over 1 500 industry leaders meet and network at the AIR Convention global commercial aviation conferences, and Digital Week online attracted over 55 000 live streams. Seven Live manage events for both national and major international concerts and shows.

Providing up-to-the-minute breaking news to feed the aviation industry together with organising international aviation conferences and also concerts, shows, events and ticket management solutions.

AeroTime is a global, multi-channel digital and professional hub delivering breaking news and analysis, content marketing services, advisory and specialist recruitment solutions. Its online news platform has a dedicated and growing monthly audience of over 2 000 000 unique users.

Its AIR Convention conferences attract over 2 500 aviation professionals from the world’s leading airlines, training schools, airports, MROs, engine manufacturers, and ancillary sectors to discuss, debate and determine the future of the industry. 

In 2020, AeroTime launched a unique digital project Digital Week – the largest dedicated online aviation event attracting over 55 000 livestreams in five days. The conference was the first in the industry to incorporate a concrete online networking platform that welcomed 250 leading aviation executives within the framework of AIR Connections.
