Every year airlines worldwide spend millions on hiring the best HR professionals in order to source the best aviation specialists. Still, having top people on deck in the HR department does not automatically guarantee the best people in the cockpit. Neither do the pricey hours spent on document verification, resumes and background checks. Luckily, Aviation.CV.com has come up with an innovative solution which will revolutionize the process of recruiting pilots – a new Check-Pilot platform containing extensive information on
pilots’ career development.
Soaring demand & costly training triggers temptation to cut corners
This summer Boeing released a forecast projecting that between 2017 and 2036 the demand for pilots shall exceed 630,000. It means that in order to keep all aircraft in the air, a new pilot must be trained every 15 minutes. However, with such an influx of new specialists on the market, sorting the wheat from the chaff may seem like mission impossible.
Although it may seem that the rising demand for pilots and the ceaseless allure of the profession should keep training classrooms filled to the brim, the high cost of studies accompanied by stringent selection criteria make the dream of becoming a pilot unattainable for many. And while some are seeking for ways to finance their costly aspiration, others are looking for ways to cut corners and cheat the increasingly desperate system.
“Depending on the location, pilot training may cost in excess of USD 100,000, and that’s prior to the mandatory number of flying hours that a pilot needs to build in order to fly for an airline. Needless to say, some young specialists lack the financial resources or patience and seek ways to pass around certain requirements,” comments Skaiste Knyzaite, CEO of AviationCV.com.
According to S. Knyzaite, the new Check-Pilot platform will greatly benefit airlines as it will allow them to access a pilot’s history in a matter of several clicks. Aside from the formal requirements with regard to flight hours, health checks or necessary permits, the platform will

also allow recruiters to access other crucial information. For instance, a record of any dents in the employment history, such as cases of being late, turning up to work intoxicated or records of undesirable workplace conduct, will allow airlines to instantly eliminate unworthy candidates without having to spend costly hours on time-consuming background checks.
Great tool for pilots with a clean record of employment
Although from the first glance it may seem that airlines are the ones to benefit from the Check-Pilot platform the most, it can also serve as an outstanding tool for pilots who maintain clean records of employment. At the moment, pilots seeking new employment opportunities have to accumulate all the necessary documents and spend a considerable amount of time crafting perfect resumes and eloquent motivational letters. The new platform will eliminate the need to go through any of these processes as all of the pertinent information can be renewed, stored and accessed on a single profile.
“This profile will serve as a brilliant tool for pilots wishing to promote their candidacies to potential employers. In a way, having a complete up-to-date profile on the platform will automatically convey a message that a pilot maintains a clean history of employment and has nothing to hide from the future employer. Not unlike a well-designed business card produced in a face to face setting, a produced link to a Pilot-Check profile will push the candidate ahead of the competition,” explained S. Knyzaite.
Added value to all parties within the industry
In addition to facilitating the recruitment process to both airlines and pilots, the Check-Pilot platform can greatly improve flight safety. After all, the ability to access a complete employment history will clearly reduce the possibility of hiring incompetent and risk-loving candidates. In turn, this would help to significantly cut the number of incidents or accidents attributed to pilot error.
Moreover, the Check-pilot platform has great potential to be used in integration with other global online databases, such as credit history sites. This would allow pilots to demonstrate clean employment history to financial institutions when applying for loans, mortgages, etc.
All in all, the platform will serve as a great source of information for multiple parties, optimize aviation staff recruitment process and increase flight safety.
“Just consider the following: anyone who has ever tried hiring a nanny would know that a resume on its own tells little about the candidate. Nowadays, we do not even hire a car without seeing the driver’s service history and customer feedback on a smartphone app first. I cannot see how hiring a pilot is any different,” concludes the CEO of AviationCV.com.