Aviation training centre Baltic Aviation Academy (Vilnius, Lithuania) launches webinar analyzing the most common lack of fuel situation. Video-based material is filmed in Boeing 737 CL full flight simulator showing various emergency settings followed by proper solutions. The webinar will be released on 2nd of April at 18:00 o’clock (UTC/GMT +2 hours) and will only be accessible to registered participants via http://www.balticaa.com/webinar/.
Over the last years issue concerning a lack of fuel has raised many discussions between aviation enthusiasts. According to media, airlines are analyzing every step of their operations looking for new ways to cut fuel bills. While factors such as the number of flights and efficiency of the fleet influence jet fuel expenditures, pilots are the ones who have to cope with airlines budget cutting politics.
‘Webinar is a part of series where the main idea is to reveal situations which are taught and proceeded throughout flight practices on Full Flight Simulator. We are hoping that with the help of our videos, future pilots will be able to better prepare for their upcoming type rating trainings. This time we have analyzed lack of fuel situations which are very relevant considering current aviation market trends‘, commented Virginija Dudenaite, Self-Sponsored Pilot Project Manager at Baltic Aviation Academy.
Right after the release, attendees will be able to post real-time questions that will be answered by an experienced instructor who has supervised the session. The next webinar will examine the most stressful situations in the cockpit, the different ways to approach landings which will be released at the end of July.
It is the tenth Baltic Aviation Academy’s webinar. In previous presentations it was discussed tips how to find job as airline pilot, overviewed steps how to find credible aviation training centre, line training, presented the importance of English proficiency in aviation and etc.